best fat burner supplements

4 Best Fat Burners To Help You Get Lean And Shredded

Written By : Dr Ruby Shah   ✓ Fact Checked

This is a review of the 4 best fat burners 2023 that will have you melting stubborn fat and looking fab in no time. Read now!

(Last Updated on July 19, 2024)

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Tired of fat hanging over the edges? Do you want to melt it away? 

Well, now you can do something about it.

If you are dreaming of losing weight and achieving your dream body but finding it a bit difficult, you are not alone.

Thousands of people, both men and women struggle with weight loss every day.

Sometimes even diet and exercise alone cannot seem to get rid of that ‘problem area’.

Even those who are physically fit like boxers or athletes might need a boost every now and then.

This is where fat burning supplements come in. Of course, you may want to see the best fat burning pills for men and women!

Fat burning supplements can be the ‘nudge’ that you need to finally get rid of the fat and reveal the body beneath.

If you are in the market for a fat burning supplement, this review is the place to start.

We bring you a comprehensive list of the best fat burning supplements in 2023.

We believe that any of these 4 supplements will have you well on your way to your dream body in no time!

Best fat burning pills for men and women

You have finally decided it’s time to get that dream body!


If you are slightly confused by all the supplements out there don’t worry- we agree it’s all a little intimidating.

That is why we have done all the work for you.

Below is a comprehensive review of our top rated fat burning supplements in 2023.



Instant Knockout



Ingredients Quality




Product Effectiveness




Brand Reputation




1. PhenQ – Our Top Pick


This is a powerful supplement that combines five weight loss pills into one. Reffered to as the best fat burner on the market!

It is made by Wolfson Berg Ltd, a company that is well known in the supplements industry.

PhenQ has been sold to over 190,000 customers and enjoys positive reviews.

It promises to deliver the following:

  • To help you burn fat stored in the body.
  • Block production of more fat preventing weight gain.
  • Suppress your appetite – the less you eat the less your body can store.
  • Improve your energy levels – giving you motivation for working out.
  • Improved moods – you will soon be feeling happier and more confident.

PhenQ is available from

The manufacturer recommends taking 2 pills a day, one with breakfast and one with lunch.

You are advised not to exceed the recommended dose.

PhenQ has no side effects and you can continue taking it for as long as you need depending on your weight goals.

How does it work?

phenq bottle

PhenQ has a unique formula that targets 5 different angles to help you attain weight loss:

  • Fat burning: it increases the body’s metabolism and increases heat which results in faster fat burning
  • Curbing fat production: ingredients in PhenQ ensure that the body does not retain any more fat resulting in weight loss.
  • Energy increase: ingredients such as caffeine 1 ensure that you have a steady stream of energy all day, when you are more energetic you can work out for longer.
  • Curb appetite: if you have cravings you eat more, and therefore add more weight. PhenQ curbs your appetite so you can stop over-eating.
  • Improve mood: the process of dieting can make you cranky. This supplement ensures that you go through the process with a gentle mood.

Pros and cons


  • It combines 5 weight loss benefits in one pill.
  • Approved by the FDA and GMP.
  • Manufacturer offers free shipping worldwide.
  • 60 day money back guarantee.
  • Does not require a prescription.
  • Great discounts given on the official website.


  • Customers have reported having mild side effects such as headaches possibly from the caffeine.
  • Can only be purchased online.

2. Instant Knockout – Men’s Best Choice

Instant Knockout fat burning pills for men and women

This fat burning supplement was originally made for pro boxers and MMA fighters.

It has since been made available for everybody.

Instant Knockout is formulated from 10 powerful, natural ingredients.

Its manufacturer is Roar Ambition, a company in the UK that makes sports supplements.

It promises to deliver the following:

  • A body that burns fat like professional athletes.
  • To get rid of stubborn body fat that has been impossible to shift.
  • Help you attain the dream body; ripped, sexy, firm, toned.
  • Boost of confidence as you enjoy your new body.

Keep you energized during your work outs and other activities

Instant Knockout is available on

This supplement can be used by both men and women.

For best results you should take 4 capsules a day.

How does it work?

instant knockout pills best fat burner

Instant Knockout is formulated to work in 3 major ways:

  • Increase the body’s metabolic rate2: if the body has a slow metabolism it burns little or no fat. There are specific ingredients in Instant Knockout that help speed up metabolism ensuring that you burn fat faster.
  • Give you energy: having enough energy means that you will be able to work out more, accelerating your fat loss. Instant Knockout contains stimulants like caffeine that will keep you energized.
  • Curb hunger & cravings3: eating any time even when not hungry means that the body will have more fat to store. This supplement will suppress your hunger and cravings to prevent you from over eating.

Pros and cons


  • Formulated from natural ingredients.
  • Keeps the body burning fat even during rest.
  • Suppresses appetite and reduces cravings.
  • Free world wide shopping for some packages.


  • Only available online.
  • Unfavorable return policy.
  • Can cause mild insomnia if taken at night.
  • Expensive.

3. LeanBean – Women’s Best Choice

LeanBean best fat burner

LeanBean is one of the few supplements in the market specifically made for women.

It was originally formulated for female athletes but has since been made available in the market.

It is manufactured by Ultimate Life Ltd., a supplements company in the UK.

It promises to deliver the following:

  • A flat, toned tummy.
  • Toned arms and legs.
  • A firmer, rounder butt.
  • More energy.
  • Increased self confidence.

LeanBean is available from

It is formulated from 12 natural ingredients that have been tested to work well together.

For maximum results you should take one capsule 4 times a day.

Recommended times are during breakfast, lunch, in the afternoon and before dinner.

How does it work?

leanbean pills fat burning pills for men and women

LeanBean makers discovered that women have different challenges with weight loss from men.

They engage in emotional eating and are more susceptible to cravings.

They therefore designed a supplement that addresses these issues.

LeanBean therefore works in 3 ways:

  • To curb cravings: If you eat less, you have fewer calories. Glucomannan, Cayenne Pepper4 and Garcinia Cambogia5 have been added to this formula to help curb cravings, resulting in less calories
  • To increase body metabolism: the higher the body’s metabolism, the more fat it can burn. Cayenne pepper and turmeric6 are ingredients designed to do just this
  • To maintain body balance: when the body is unhealthy and imbalanced it tends to store more fat. Green tea works to restore the body’s balance

Pros and cons


  • Formula contains natural ingredients.
  • Made especially for women.
  • Ingredients proven to burning fat.
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
  • 90 money back guarantee.
  • Has no adverse side effects.


  • Can be expensive.
  • Only available online.
  • You have to take 4 times a day.

4. Clenbutrol


Clenbutrol is a powerful fat burner that works fast to meltdown excess body fat and improve cardiovascular performance.

Some controversy has surrounded this fat burner, and it is important to clear the air before moving on.

Clenbutrol is an alternative to Clenbuterol7, which is banned in the USA.

Clenbuterol was a powerful weight loss aid that worked by increasing the body’s metabolism and performance.

It was originally designed as an asthma drug but was widely used by bodybuilders and athletes for its fat-burning qualities.

It also became very popular with celebrities.

It, however, had adverse side effects, including heart palpitations, abnormal sweating, shaking and anxiety.

Clenbuterol has since been banned by the FDA and the World Anti-doping Agency.

Not wanting to give up on its excellent qualities altogether, Crazy Bulk, manufacturers of many other health supplements, came up with a safe, natural alternative- Clenbutrol.

Clenbutrol is safe and legal, not to mention one of the most potent fat burners out there.

You are advised to take three capsules with water 45 minutes before your workout.

How it works?

clenbutrol supplement

This powerful fat burner takes advantage of its thermogenic qualities to increase the body’s internal temperature.

When the body’s temperature goes up, the metabolic rate rises.

This, in turn, triggers the body to ‘look’ for more energy to keep up, and it does this by reaching out to the stored fat.

When this fat is broken down into energy, you will be left with a lean, ripped body.

Clenbutrol also improves your cardiovascular performance, allowing more oxygen to be transported throughout your body.

This gives you more energy and helps you get through even the most demanding of workouts.

Here are the three top ingredients found in this fat burner that make it so effective:

  • Garcinia Cambogia: blocs the body’s ability to make fat and is also quite useful in reducing appetite8.
  • Bitter Orange Extract: it is used in weight loss supplements for its ability to raise the heart rate. It also helps to curb the appetite.
  • Guarana extract: Guarana9 is a rich source of caffeine and also contains tons of antioxidants. Caffeine helps you to stay alert during workouts as well as keeping you energized.

Pros and cons


  • It can be combined with other supplements for even better results.
  • It is made from natural ingredients.
  • Results are visible within the first 30 days.
  • Preserves lean muscle mass.
  • Legal and FDA approved.


  • Trade name has a bad reputation due to the banned original Clenbuterol.
  • Some users may experience disruptions in sleeping patterns.

What are fat burning pills?

These are dietary supplements that boost weight loss by accelerating fat burning in the body.10

Different supplement formulas have different approaches and ingredient combinations but towards the same goal- weight loss.

Generally, fat burners work by suppressing appetite, helping the body to burn stored fat and blocking the storage of new fat.

They also increase the body’s;

  • metabolism
  • curb cravings
  • give energy

Fat burning supplements are formulated from natural ingredients and do not require a prescription.

They work best when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. And, overall, they will help you shed the pounds.

Fat burning supplements benefits

fat burner pills benefits and fat burning pills for men and women

Getting rid of stubborn body fat is hard, and even with exercise and diet, the process can be long and frustrating.

Fat burning supplements can give you the edge that you have been missing to attain your weight loss goals.

Here’s the good news, you will finally be able to have that ripped, sexy body you desire.

Losing weight does not only improve how you look and feel, but also ensures that you are healthy.

Being overweight can cause dangerous health conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

By using a fat burning supplement you will:

  • Burn fat to reveal your dream body.
  • Curb your appetite.
  • Stop your body from storing new fat.
  • Have more energy.
  • Be more confident and have a positive outlook on life.
  • Be healthy.

Fat burner side effects

Are fat burning pills for men and women safe?

Don’t worry, fat burners are safe – but here’s a couple of things to know.

Fat burning supplements are made from natural ingredients and do not have any adverse side effects.

Some users have reported having mild headaches and interrupted sleep patterns after taking supplements that contain caffeine.

For this reason you are advised to reduce the intake of other stimulants while taking the said supplements.

As a rule of the thumb, you should study the ingredients in any supplement to understand what you are taking.

Products with questionable ingredients are not worth taking.

If you are currently sick and under medication you should consult your doctor before taking any fat burning supplements.

Who should use fat burning supplements?

fat burning pills for men and women

Fat burning supplements will benefit those struggling with excess weight.

They also work well for people who are susceptible to cravings and struggle with appetite control.

Constant eating results in more stored fat in the body, making you overweight.

Fat burning supplements will curb this habit, and help you achieve that toned body.

If you are relatively fit but have that stubborn bit of fat hanging in your belly or thighs that you would like to get rid of, this is for you.

Fat burning supplements can also be taken by physically fit people such as athletes getting ready for an event or looking to bulk up more.

Which ingredients should I expect to see in a fat burner?

garcinia extract

There are several ingredients that should be included in any effective fat burner.

Look out for:

  • Glucomannan
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Garcinia Cambogia
  • Piperine
  • Green tea extract

How can I decide on which fat burner to use?

There are various types of fat burners available in the market, and the one you choose should be the most aligned to your fitness goals.

For example, if you are looking to lose fat and build muscle, then you should consider a fat burner like Performance Lab Fat Burner.

If you are a woman with stubborn belly fat, you might want to go with a burner like Leanbean.

Should I combine a gym workout with fat burners?

This is advisable for the best results.

Fat burners will not work any magic by themselves. In fact, most are designed to work hand in hand with a good diet and exercise.

Do fat burners really work?

Yes, fat burners do work, and they can drastically help with fat loss. And, when used with a healthy diet, you can expect to see a lot faster results with your journey on fat loss!

Fat burners will boost your energy, burn fat as energy, and help suppress your appetite.

Are fat burners worth it?

Yes if you’re looking for results with your fat loss. Fat burners have the potential to improve your metabolic rate by 4% to 5%.

This is why so many people around the world choose supplements` like the ones mentioned in this article. To help with losing fat.


The battle against fat loss is not easy, but fat burning supplements can help accelerate it.

It is important to note that to maximize effects these supplements should be paired with a clean healthy diet, exercise and enough sleep.

Anyone, from beginners to professional athletes can take fat burning supplements and get good results.

One last tip: to ensure that you are buying a genuine supplement use the official website where you will also find loads of discounts and occasional freebies!


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