
PhenQ Review: An Organic Solution for Burning Hard Fat

Written By : Dr Ruby Shah   ✓ Fact Checked

Fat burning requires supplementary organic therapy to escalate its process. Know more about fat shredding metabolism in this amazing review on PhenQ.

(Last Updated on July 19, 2024)

Struggling to lose weight? I understand what it’s like when our bodyfat jiggles on every move we make!

Let’s look at how PhenQ helps torch fat!

Weight loss1 is something that many people struggle with daily.

Being overweight can result in health problems such as heart disease and stroke.

It can also cause one to have low self-esteem which leads to sadness, depression and shame.

To counter these challenges the market is saturated with diets, detox plans, slimming pills and other products that claim to work wonders on weight loss.

The difficulty is in identifying one product that will work for you before spending your hard-earned money.

The makers of PhenQ believe that they have come up with a unique pill that can help you attain your dream body.

This PhenQ review investigates this claim.

Does PhenQ really work or it’s just a fad?

PhenQ benefits

What Is PhenQ?

PhenQ is a powerful dieting supplement that boasts multiple weight loss benefits to help you achieve your dream body.

It is manufactured by Wolfson Berg Limited, a trusted leader in the supplements industry.

PhenQ fat burner is effective because it combines the power of different weight loss supplements in one pill.

This pill helps you to;

  • burn stored fat
  • suppresses your appetite
  • blocks fat production
  • improves your energy levels.

Made of high-quality natural ingredients and a formula backed by science PhenQ is stronger and superior to other weight loss pills in the market.

It is produced in GMP and FDA approved facilities in the UK and USA respectively.

This is one of the most reputable fat burners on the market – that will get you results!

PhenQ Ingredients List

phenq label

Let’s look at the ingredients that help you burn fat!

The makers of PhenQ have provided clear information on what is in their product and in what amounts on the bottle label.

This is unlike other manufacturers that hide ingredients and quantities of their products.

An important fact here is that PhenQ does not contain phentermine2 and therefore does not require a prescription.

The ingredients in PhenQ include:

a-Lacys Reset
This is the patented, secret ingredient behind PhenQ’s performance. It is a mixture of Alpha Lipoic Acid and Cysteine and works by accelerating the body’s metabolism. At the same time it increases the rate of thermogenesis (heat production) in the body. The result is that your body burns more calories much faster, melting your fat stores.
Capsimax Powder
This is a blend of capsicum, piperine, caffeine and vitamin B3. It provides the fat burning power of the pill by increasing your body heat. Increased body heat enables you to burn more body fat.
Chromium Picolinate
This is a natural mineral that you can find in meat, vegetables and whole grains. It aids in controlling blood sugar levels in the body, which in turn reduces cravings. If you do not have cravings for sugars and carbs you will eat less of them, resulting in weight loss.
Caffeine is a stimulant that boosts the fat burning process by increasing the production of heat in the body. It makes you feel less hungry and boosts your energy as you work out, helping you do more. Other benefits of caffeine are increased alertness, improved focus and reduced fatigue.
Nopal is rich in amino acids that give the body much needed energy for every day functions. It also helps the body to flush out fluids retained in the tissues contributing to weight loss. Because it is rich in fiber, Nopal helps slow down digestion keeping you full for longer.
L- Carnitine Furmarate
This amino acid can be found in meat, nuts and green vegetables. Its main role is to aid the body in converting stored body fat into energy.
Other Ingredients
  • Copper Sulphate,
  • Silicon Dioxide
  • Magnesium Stearate

How Does PhenQ Work?

how phenq works

PhenQ works by targeting 5 different areas in weight loss:

It burns fat

PhenQ helps burn fat by increasing the body’s metabolism3 and thermogenesis4.

The two processes ensure that your body burns more calories and uses more energy during digestion contributing to fat loss.

Stops fat production

It contains ingredients that help the body to stop fat production, making sure you don’t add weight.

Suppresses appetite

PhenQ helps curb your appetite and reduce cravings which result in weight loss

Boosts energy

Fluctuations in blood sugar levels when dieting can cause energy drops which leave you exhausted.

PhenQ fights fatigue so you can stay active and energized.

Improves your mood

PhenQ has mood-enhancing properties ensuring that you don’t become cranky from dieting.

PhenQ Reviews: What People Say About This Product?

phenq reviews before after photo

According to its official website, PhenQ has been bought by over 190,000 customers.

Most of the reviews are positive with customers seemingly satisfied with the product’s performance.

Here are just one of the many great reviews:

Ghislain R, 31, says:

“In recent years I gradually started to gain weight. Once I passed 176lbs I began to get frustrated, tried several diets (ineffective) and to improve my overall lifestyle but without results. Then I found PhenQ and started taking it. It took 2 weeks to start seeing results. I lost 11lbs in one month thanks to PhenQ. I feel more confident and have more energy to play with my son”

Some customers report seeing results within the first or second week of taking PhenQ.

We know PhenQ helps us burn away fat, so let’s look at the best places to get it!

PhenQ: Packages, Pricing and Where to Buy

phenq website

PhenQ is available on the official website:

The manufacture offers FREE SHIPPING anywhere in the world for all orders.

  • 3 bottles + 2 FREE bottles + 1 FREE Advana Cleanse: $189.95
  • 2 bottles + 1 FREE bottle: $139.90
  • 1 bottle: $69.95

Money Back Guarantee and Refund Policy

PhenQ has a 60 day money back guarantee.

When you return any unused PhenQ in its original packaging within 67 days of receiving your order you will get a full refund excluding shipping charges.

How To Use PhenQ?

phenq pills

PhenQ comes in a bottle containing 60 pills.

You should take two pills a day, one with your breakfast and one with your lunch.

It is not recommended that you take PhenQ after 3pm.

This is because it contains caffeine which might interrupt your sleep pattern.

Customers who are sensitive to caffeine are advised to limit their intake of caffeine5 containing beverages such as coffee while taking PhenQ.

According to the manufacturer, PhenQ is safe to continue taking for as long as you need.

Most customers report reaching their goal weights within the first three months.

Even after you achieve your goal weight you can continue taking it for maintenance.

Are There Any PhenQ Side Effects?

The manufacturer states that because it is made from natural ingredients PhenQ has no known side effects.

Online reviews by users, however, mention mild side effects such as:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Bloating

For people who have pre-existing medical conditions, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before taking PhenQ.

It is not recommended for expectant and breastfeeding women as well as those under 18yrs of age.

Pros and Cons


  • Multiple weight loss benefits in one pill.
  • High-quality formula approved by the FDA and GMP.
  • Free shipping worldwide.
  • Money-back guarantee within 60 days.
  • No prescription required.


  • Some negative side effects have been reported.
  • Only available from the official website.

PhenQ Review: Should You Buy It?

phenq supplement

PhenQ offers a unique approach to weight loss.

It combines the power of multiple weight loss supplements in one pill to aid you in your weight loss journey.

Because it is made from natural ingredients PhenQ has a strong safety record.

Many customers who have bought the product give positive reviews of how it has helped them lose weight.

An undisputable fact is that losing weight and achieving your dream body not only boosts your self-esteem but also makes you healthier and happier.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is PhenQ suitable for both men and women?

Yes, this supplement can be used by both men and women to help them lose and maintain weight. It contains a natural and safe formula that has been clinically validated for weight loss without side effects.

However, it is contradicted in persons below 18 years, individuals with underlying health issues, and pregnant and lactating women.

Does PhenQ interact with any medicines?

This weight loss product contains natural ingredients that do not interact with other medications. However, you should consult a physician before using it if you are using any prescription medicines or other supplements.

How much should I order to get the best results?

You should use it for at least 60 days to see maximum results. This means that you should order 2 month supply. Even greater, when you order 2 bottles of PhenQ you get 1 free, guaranteeing you a 3 months’ supply.

If you have more pounds to lose, consider purchasing 3 bottles and get 2 free for great discounts and results. Most users report achieving their weight loss goals within the first 90 days and use the rest 2 bottles to maintain the new weight.

Can it be taken by vegetarians and vegans?

Yes, this product is made of 100% vegan and vegetarian ingredients.

Does PhenQ interfere with oral contraceptives?

It is safe to use with oral contraceptives. This natural supplement does not interfere with their effectiveness and is well tolerated by women.

How fast can I expect to lose fat?

Your clothes may fit better in less than a month. You may notice a few changes in a month. This product helps to get rid of water weight and warding off cravings.

When combined with a good exercise regime and a healthy diet, this supplement will help you lose fat effectively in 3 months while boosting your energy levels.

Are diet and exercise required while taking this product?

There is no exercise routine and diet required while taking it. However, you should combine it with a healthy diet and a regular workout for maximum benefits.

Is PhenQ the same as Phentermine?

PhenQ is a dietary product that promises to support weight loss while phentermine is a prescription weight loss pill.

Can I continue drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks despite the use of PhenQ?

This product contains caffeine in safe dosages, and it does not affect your intake of coffee and other caffeinated beverages.

But, if you experience caffeine sensitivity, you should avoid using caffeinated drinks while using PhenQ.

Is PhenQ available in stores?

No, this supplement is not available in any store including eBay, Amazon, GNC, Target, Walmart, and Walgreens. It can only be purchased from the official website which offers a money-back guarantee and discounts.

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