EVL Test review

EVL Test Review: A Safe T-Booster Backed by Science

Written By : Rohit Dwivedi, M.D.   ✓ Fact Checked

Are you looking for the best T-booster in the market? Chose EVL Test for accelerating your performance in bed and field. Read this review to explore how.

(Last Updated on July 8, 2024)

Over the years, natural testosterone1 boosters have mushroomed in the market.

They promise different outcomes, including better sex, improved strength, energized workouts, fat loss, and muscle growth.

Some of these products are great, while others are a bunch of waste. The most significant aspect of every T-booster is the ingredients used.

Here we will analyze one of the best T-boosters in the market: EVL Test.

EVL Test promises to boost natural testosterone levels using a science-based formula.

Also, it claims to work on various ways to support your bodybuilding and training goals.

However, these are just marketing hypes from the company.

We seek to bring you the facts of this product in this EVL Test review.

Let’s take a closer look.

What Is EVL Test?

EVL Test is a testosterone booster designed with natural ingredients to increase natural testosterone levels, improve muscular strength, boost stamina, and enhance sleep and performance.

It manufactured by Evlution Nutrition, a company that designs performance and health products.

EVL Test Ingredients

EVL Test ingredients

The manufacturer states that this supplement is a testosterone support complex as well as a training and recovery amplifier.

Here is a closer look at the key ingredients.

Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) - 50mcg
Vitamin D3 is scientifically proven to boost testosterone production, improve sperm quality, enhance sleep, and support stronger bones. Various studies show a strong correlation between vitamin D deficiency and reduced testosterone levels. A 2010 study published in Clinical Endocrinology showed that men who took vitamin D had increased testosterone levels.2
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine HCI) - 11mg
Vitamin B6 increases the production of testosterone levels, growth hormone, and energy levels. It may also suppress the female hormone, estrogen. Also, it elevates serotonin and dopamine levels, thus improving mood.
Magnesium(as Aspartate) - 160mg
Magnesium is an important mineral in testosterone production. Research has shown that men with high levels of magnesium have higher levels of testosterone. Moreover, it supports improved muscle function, healthy nerve function, and performance.3
Zinc (as monomethionine and Aspartate) - 30mg
Zinc supports normal testosterone levels and maintains healthy hormones. Studies have shown that combining zinc and magnesium is linked to an increase in testosterone and growth hormone levels. Additionally, ZMA (zinc, magnesium, and pyridoxine(b6)) combination improves sleep and supports muscle recovery.4
D-Aspartic Acid - 3120mg
D-Aspartic acid is scientifically proven to increase testosterone levels in both human and animal studies. Additionally, it supports the production of luteinizing hormone. A study involving infertile men who took D-Aspartic Acid for 6 to 12 days, showed an increase in their T-levels. However, the testosterone levels dropped back to the baseline after one month. Hence, D-Aspartic acid may offer a temporary solution.
Tribulus Terrestris Extract - 750mg
Tribulus Terrestris is a popular ingredient in most testosterone boosters. However, it has been proven to be ineffective in increasing testosterone. It increases your libido and improves erections.5
Fenugreek Seed Extract - 500mg
This study shows that fenugreek elevates free testosterone levels in the body to about 90 percent. It also improves overall sexual performance(better erections), sperm quality, libido, energy, mood, and mental alertness.6
Diindolylmethane - 250mg
Diindolylmethane has been seen to boost testosterone levels. It does so, by blocking enzyme aromatase production. This enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen. But, taking too much diindolylmethane may increase the production of aromatase. Take caution since it also blocks DHT. Additionally, some studies also show that it may cause histological degeneration of testicular tissues in rats. This is a considerable downside.

How Does EVL Test Work?

EVL Test works by boosting testosterone levels, which positively impacts workouts and leads to an increase in muscle size in a short period.

The manufacturer states that this dietary supplement helps you reach and maintain optimal testosterone levels to lead a healthy lifestyle.

When testosterone levels are raised to optimal levels, they will increase stamina, improve performance, optimize sleep, and enhance stamina.

Moreover, the mineral and vitamin support offer significant benefits in sex drive, stamina, energy, and better sleep.

Note: EVL Test will not offer immediate results , especially muscle development.

How To Use EVL Test?

The company states that 4 tablets should be taken on an empty stomach, 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime.

It should be used for a maximum of 12 weeks, followed by a 4-week break before reuse.

Note: Discontinue use 2 weeks before surgery. Men with a pre-existing medical condition should not use it.

Are There Any EVL Test Side Effects?

The manufacturer does not mention the possibility of side effects.

However, we came across various reports on the following side effects.

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Restlessness
  • Trouble breathing
  • Increased heart rate
  • Stomach upsets
  • Feeling lethargic
  • Gynecomastia
  • Diarrhea
  • Swollen and puffy face
  • Bloating
  • Low sperm count

Jessica Mullins wrote on Amazon:

Anyone looking to conceive do not buy this product. It caused my husband to have an extremely low count. He had to be put on medication to help his testes start producing sperm again. This should be on a warning label.

Many users seemed to report migraines as the most common side effect.

Is EVL Test A Scam?

EVL Test is not a scam.

The manufacturer, Evlution Nutrition, has maintained a clean slate by conducting extensive research on their products to prevent any adverse effects to the user.

It has become one of the leading companies in selling bodybuilding and fitness products in the market.

EVL Test Reviews: What People Say About This Product?

EVL Test reviews

There have been mixed reviews about EVL Test from users ranging from positive results to horrible side effects.

Of 1250 customer reviews on Amazon,68% are giving it a 4.0 rating overall.

Users have reported improved sleep, rest and recovery, stamina, and elevated testosterone levels.

But, most of them agree that it might cause headaches.

Let’s look at some negative reviews.

John Smyth experienced horrible side effects. He writes on Amazon:

Like many others, I too experienced headaches. They were quite mild and easy to deal with. After taking them for a week, the headaches were gone. These did help me sleep more sound but caused difficulty falling asleep. Once I fell asleep, sometimes after a couple of hours of tossing and turning, the sleep was quality. I also felt extra groggy in the mornings, despite the claims that I was going to wake up more refreshed. The main problem I had was this product made my prostate swell up like a balloon. I went from normal to almost unable to urinate, as well as overactive bladder symptoms […] Now, 3 days after stopping this terrible supplement, my prostate has nearly returned to normal and I fall asleep much easier. The bladder issues are more stubborn, but VERY slowly going away.

Robin A. Lin says on Amazon:

Have not experienced any of the positive effects of this product. So far, I have nothing but a negative experience. Instead of better sleep, which the manufacturer claims is a benefit of this product, I am having trouble staying asleep. I wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall back to sleep. Also, I wake up during the night and have to pee like crazy. I never had this issue before taking this supplement. I can live with that, but the worst part is the headaches. Today, my head hurts so much that I feel nauseous. I actually had to run out of my office to vomit in the restroom […] They are giant horse pills! I am a 42 yr old male weighing 145 lbs – perhaps this dosage is too high for me??

Here are the positive customer reviews

Randy Few says on Amazon:

This product was exactly what I was looking for, and I feel more energetic than I did previously. […] For the rest of us guys who want not to feel pissy and tired, to wake up feeling like you might want to go to work, and to not look at your wife or girlfriend and think you wish you had the energy, then this is for you. I noticed I do sleep better while taking this, as well. I have a habit of fighting sleep, and this does help in that area, but there’s still the effort made on my part to make myself go to bed. I work 48 to 50 hours a week, and while I dont feel 18 again, I do feel energized and confident during my day. I was looking for anything to get rid of that sluggish way I have been feeling for quite some time, and now I’ve found it…

Charles reports positive results. Here are his thoughts on Amazon:

After taking this for a few weeks, I have noticed a difference in my strength. Have also noticed a bit more contrast in the amount of muscle definition I have and a decreased recovery time. I sleep great, too, but that seems to be for most people. I haven’t noticed any increase in muscle mass, but I’m happy just with the strength and energy boost. I’ll finish off this bottle and maybe start a second bottle/cycle and see where I grow from there. Only thing I don’t like is the size of the pills and how nasty they taste, but that might be the coating on the pills,…

EVL Test: Packages, Pricing and Where to Buy

EVL Test official website
Fot. evlnutrition.com

EVL Test is available on the official website: evlnutrition.com.

A single bottle comes in either 56 or 120 tablets.

How much does it cost?

  • 1 bottle(14 servings): $19.99
  • 1 bottle(30 servings) : $29.99

The manufacturer offers free 2-day shipping on orders above $49.00.

Money Back Guarantee and Refund Policy

EVL Test does not come with a refund policy.

EVL Test Pros and Cons


  • Offers full transparency on the ingredient list.
  • Manufactured in an FDA registered and a GMP certified facility.
  • An excellent combination of minerals and vitamins.
  • Affordable pricing.
  • Potent standardizations and doses.


  • Some ingredients have been proven ineffective in boosting testosterone.
  • Lack of a refund policy.
  • Reported side effects.
  • Huge tablets.
  • Low doses of Magnesium and Vitamin D.

EVL Test Review: Should You Buy It?

EVL Test has a strong combination of natural ingredients, including potent minerals and vitamins.

It promises to boost your testosterone to optimal levels at an affordable price.

Also, it delivers potent doses of each ingredient.

Despite, some ingredients being supported by science, some research shows that D-Aspartic acid and fenugreek do not increase T-level; in some cases, D-Aspartic may reduce testosterone levels.

Read next: Nugenix Testosterone Booster Review 2024: Is It Safe To Use?

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