
Testogen Review: The Magic Solution for Herculean Performance

Written By : Rohit Dwivedi, M.D.   ✓ Fact Checked

Amplify your muscle performance with the strength of Testogen, a testosterone enhancing supplement. Learn more about it in this persuasive review.

(Last Updated on July 8, 2024)

For men strength, confidence, performance, success and high libido are some of the things that define masculinity.

Everyday pressures from work, family, age or sickness can leave you feeling drained, lethargic and depressed.

This eventually leads to underperformance, lack of focus, irritability and accumulation of excess body fat.

When this happens it is possible that your testosterone levels have gone down.

The good news is that you don’t have to continue living like that as you can boost them using supplements.

Testogen is one such supplement that promises to increase your stamina and focus, boost your energy and increase libido.

In this Testogen review we give you all the facts about this supplement that has taken the market by storm.

Can it really turn your life around and make you feel like a new person?

Testogen benefits

What Is Testogen?

Testogen is a natural supplement that boosts the production of testosterone levels in men.

It contains 11 natural ingredients that help increase the male hormone easily and safely.

All the ingredients are formulated to optimum levels per dose to increase effectiveness.

Testogen supplement promises to increase men’s stamina, concentration levels and libido as well as energy.

The product is manufactured by Wolfson Berg Ltd, a supplement company based in the UK and Cyprus.

Testogen was launched in 2014 and has been a top performer in the market since then.

It is manufactured in FDA approved facilities.

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Testogen Ingredients List


ingredientsThe Testogen formula has been thoroughly researched to include:

Bioperine is extracted from black pepper. Its main role is to increase the bioavailability of the other ingredients. This means that it helps the body to absorb the ingredients better and use them more effectively.1
Zinc can help boost testosterone levels in men. In more serious cases it helps reverse hypogonadism (a condition where the male body does not produce enough testosterone). It also contributes to the production of healthy sperm.2
Vitamin B6
The body needs vitamin B6 for numerous important roles such as brain function. This vitamin also promotes androgens (hormones involved in male traits and reproduction) thus increasing testosterone levels. It also helps the body to make serotonin, also known as the ‘happy chemical’. This contributes to happiness and wellbeing, lifting your moods and making you energized.
Red Ginseng Extract
This is a well-known aphrodisiac. It stimulates libido and protects the testes from dioxin damage, resulting in stronger erections. In Testogen it is designed to uplift moods and sharpen focus.
Fenugreek Extract
Fenugreek naturally increases strength and vitality. It does this by increasing the release of insulin which aids muscle growth. Moreover its seeds increase testosterone and libido.3
D-Aspartic Acid
D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid regulator that helps with the production of the luteinizing hormone. This hormone is useful in the reproduction system and stimulates production of testosterone. Additionally it aids the creation of muscle which boosts strength, stamina and libido. According to research D-Aspartic Acid can boost testosterone levels 45% in just a matter of weeks.
Vitamin K1
This vitamin keeps your bones healthy and strong. More importantly, it helps the body absorb Vitamin D- another ingredient in Testogen - more effectively. This enables the body to get all the benefits of Vitamin D.
This trace mineral can be found in the soil and in foods such as raisings, walnuts and kidney beans. Studies show that even a small amount increases testosterone levels significantly.4
Nettle Leaf Extract
In the body, testosterone binds itself to a protein called SHGB (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). The problem is when attached to a protein testosterone is not ‘free’ to move and perform important functions. According to research the nettle leaf also binds itself to SHGB, which frees testosterone to build muscle and increase libido.5
This mineral plays a vital role in the production of testosterone. It is also involved in the proper functioning of different biochemical reactions in the body promoting overall health.6
Vitamin D
The Testogen formula uses Vitamin D3, also known as Cholecalciferol. Studies show that it increases the level of free testosterone in the body (those not attached to a protein). When more testosterone is free it is available for use in the body. It also slows down the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

How Does Testogen Work?

how it works

Naturally, testosterone levels in the body decrease with age.

This happens even faster when under constant pressure.

The result is depression and fatigue, low libido, body fat accumulation and a foggy brain.

This makes you unhappy with your body and your life in general.

The Testogen formula combines 11 potent ingredients that can help turn things around, and give you a better life.

It does this in several ways:

Increases strength and stamina

Higher testosterone levels help with the buildup of lean muscle which increases strength and stamina.

Improves focus and concentration

Whether you are at work, with your family or playing a sport you will be able to focus and perform better.

Eliminates fatigue and irritability

You don’t have to struggle to get out of bed or snap at people all day. Feel good about yourself.

Reverses poor libido

If you have been dropping the ball in bed recently Testogen will get you on top of your game again, and make you go harder for longer in the bedroom.

Increases energy

Having more energy means that you can work out more and longer, getting rid of excess body fat and staying in shape.

Testogen Reviews: What People Say About This Product?


Testogen claims to have tripled its yearly revenue in just 3 years since launching in 2014.

That proves that it is a popular and effective product.

It is now selling in 80 countries world wide

Let us sample a few available reviews:

Habib says:

“Testogen is the product I’ve been waiting for all my life”

Mohammed reports:

“I’ve lost weight, feel more active, and have much more confidence”

Customers report feeling more energetic after using this testosterone booster.

Testogen: Packages, Pricing And Where To Buy

testogen website
Photo: www.testogen.com

Testogen testosterone booster is available on the official website: testogen.com.

Payment can be done via all major credit cards as well as Paypal

The manufacturer offers FREE SHIPPING worldwide on all orders.

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Testogen comes in three different packages.

  • 3 bottles + 2 FREE + FREE Instant Testosterone Booster Drops: $149.95
  • 2 bottles + 1 FREE: $119.99
  • 1 bottle: $59.00

Money Back Guarantee and Refund Policy

The manufacturer offers a 60 day money back guarantee.

If you are unhappy with the product you can return all unused bottles in the original packaging within 67 days to receive a full refund less shipping costs.

You can also cancel your order for any reason at any time before the end of 14 days of receiving the product.

Upon canceling the order the client is liable for shipping costs incurred in returning it.

Goods must be returned in good condition and in their original packaging.

How To Use It?

how to use

Each bottle of Testogen comes with 120 capsules.

One should take 4 capsules a day approximately 20 minutes before breakfast.

The recommended dose should not be exceeded.

Testogen is intended for men who are over 18yrs of age.

Although it is made from natural ingredients if you are taking other medication is best to consult a doctor before taking these pills.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Testogen supplement is made from 11 natural ingredients and is considered safe.

The manufacturer does not indicate any side effects if taken according to directions.

Online reviews are largely positive and did not reveal any side effects worth noting.

Which is why people all over the world are trusting, and getting results from this product.

Pros & Cons


  • Boosts the production of testosterone.
  • Made from all natural ingredients.
  • Enhances libido.
  • Helps build muscles.
  • Increases energy and boosts moods.
  • Generous 60 day money back guarantee.
  • Offers huge discounts if buying multiple bottles.
  • Free training and nutrition guides with every purchase.


  • Only available from the official website.
  • Requires taking 4 capsules at a go.
  • Not many reviews on the product are available online.
  • Might be expensive if only buying one bottle.

Testogen Review: Should You Buy It?

testogen t-booster

Testogen is touted as one of the best testosterone boosting supplements in the market.

Its formula includes 11 well researched natural ingredients in effective quantities per dose.

It promises to increase the production of testosterone in men.

This in turn boosts energy, increases libido, decreases irritability and helps build muscle mass.

Because it is made up of natural ingredients there are no reported side effects.

Testogen supplement is also backed by a generous money back guarantee, free nutritional guides and free shipping worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is Testogen legit?

Yes, this is a legit testosterone booster.

It contains 11 natural ingredients that are safe for consumption with no side effects.

Besides, it is manufactured in FDA approved and cGMP certified facilities.

Is Testogen a steroid?

No, this product is a natural dietary supplement that contains natural components that accelerate testosterone production in the body.

This is not a steroid and is not associated with harmful chemicals or side effects.

Who should use Testogen?

This T-booster is specially designed for men aged 18 years and above who have low testosterone levels.

You may not know if you have low testosterone levels or not. Still, suppose you are experiencing some of these symptoms such as trouble packing muscle, excess belly and man boobs, low libido and lack of energy and motivation. In that case, this product might be your ultimate solution.

Not to mention, it is not only designed for those with low T-levels but also for men who want to be healthier and maintain optimal testosterone levels.

Who should refrain from Testogen?

Individuals react differently to various supplements; therefore, make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used in this supplement.

Besides, it is not suitable for men under 18 years since their bodies are still producing a fair amount of testosterone.

What will Testogen do for me?

This product will make you feel and act like the man you have always dreamt of. It blends potent natural ingredients that increase your T levels, improving both your body and mind.

You should expect to experience improved energy, mood, motivation, increased lean muscle development, accelerated fat loss, especially in the chest and belly, and improved sexual confidence and libido.

Do I have to make any changes to my diet?

This supplement will make the most of your current diet, and you will not need any adjustments. For instance, high T-levels will help the body utilize more proteins for faster muscle development.

All in all, you need to stick to a healthy balanced diet that supports your body goals.

Can I take it as a long term solution?

Yes, there is no limit, you can take it as long as you want. It boosts T-levels in the most natural way.

However, long term use may stagnate your results sometimes when the body is trying to adapt. Thus, you are required to cycle and take a break for a week or two if you hit a plateau.

How do I know I have low testosterone?

You could take a blood test to check your T-levels, but this may dismay you. You may have a lower range of free T levels than another man, but both may be considered healthy.

That’s why you should work with how you feel and perform as you age. If you are experiencing low libido, low energy, and fat gain, boosting your testosterone levels with this supplement may help.

Is it safe to use if you have an underlying condition?

As with any supplement, always consult your doctor if you have an underlying condition or taking medication.

Read next: Prime Male Review 2024: Is It The Best Testosterone Booster

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