best semen boosters

5 Best Semen Enhancement Pills That Increase Your Ejaculation Volume And Cum

Written By : Dr Andrew Kan   ✓ Fact Checked

MyPill have done the research and put together an extensive comparison of the 5 best semen enhancement pills you can buy right now.

(Last Updated on June 27, 2024)

Looking for the best semen pills (cum pills) to increase the volume of your semen?

Having low ejaculation levels is a sexual challenge that many men grapple with on occasion.

Not being able to experience intense pleasure results in mediocre sex, which is frustrating for both parties.

It can lead to low self-esteem and eroded confidence in the man.

There is, however, something that can be done to change this situation.

Supplement manufacturers have come up with semen enhancement pills that increase the amount of ejaculatory fluid during sex.

Taking these pills results in stronger erections 1, longer sex, and more intense orgasms.

To give you more information, this review discusses the five best semen enhancement pills available today.

It discusses what they are, what they do, what they contain as well as their pros & cons.

Let us jump right into the review.

Best Semen Enhancement Pills

Volume Pills




Ingredients Quality




Product Effectiveness




Brand Reputation




1. Volume Pills

Volume Pills

Volume Pills is a scientifically proven dietary formula designed to nourish the entire male reproductive system. This is without a doubt one of the best cum pills.

In doing this, it increases the amount of semen produced which in turn results in bigger and harder erections.

A bigger and harder erection produces stronger and longer orgasms 2.

In fact, this supplement promises to increase the amount of semen produced in each orgasm by up to 500%.

Volume Pills also provides a host of other benefits, including increased testosterone levels, increased blood flow and enhanced libido.

This supplement is made from 100% natural ingredients that work effectively and eliminate the need for surgery, narcotics or unsafe gadgets.

These ingredients constitute of herbs, minerals, and vitamins that have been carefully selected and scientifically proven to work.

This supplement is manufactured by Leading Edge Health, a health Supplements Company with offices in the USA.

To get the best results, the manufacturer advises that you take two pills per day.

Volume Pills ships worldwide and offers a 67-day money-back guarantee to unsatisfied customers.

Currently, the manufacturer is offering free worldwide shipping for three-month orders and above.

How it works?

Studies have shown that more semen production gives infinitely bigger orgasms.

Using a variety of nutrients, Volume Pills increases the volume of semen production.

When you produce more semen, you will enjoy harder erections and longer orgasms.

The orgasms will also be more pleasurable as ejaculating more semen will force the penile muscles to contract harder and more frequently.

Other than semen volume, this supplement also increases testosterone levels.

High testosterone levels have many benefits, including increased stamina, elevated moods, and leaner muscle build-up.

Finally, Volume Pills contains herbs that are known for their ability to increase libido and sex drive.


Here are three ingredients in this supplement that make it so effective:

  • Solidlin – This is a herb that has been used as a libido enhancer for hundreds of years. Studies have shown that it contains L-Dopa, a chemical that helps to synthesize dopamine in the body. Dopamine is also known as the ‘pleasure hormone,’ which increases the sense of pleasure during sexual activity.
  • Drilizen – Drilizen is a root that helps to increase nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide widens blood vessels in the penis, allowing them to pass more blood. This results in a harder and longer-lasting erection. This ingredient has also been seen to improve the production of testosterone in the body.
  • Ling Zhi – This traditional mushroom has been used for medicinal purposes in Ancient China for hundreds of years. It increases energy and stamina in the body, enabling you to last longer during sexual activity.


  • Made from traditional herbs used for hundreds of years.
  • Has no side effects.
  • Boosts libido and testosterone levels.
  • Scientifically proven to work.
  • Made by a company with a long-standing reputation.
  • Manufacturer information including contacts is readily available.
  • Offers free worldwide shipping for certain packages.


  • No special offers for one month purchase.
  • Only available on the official website.

2. Semenax


Semenax is a dietary supplement that has been clinically proven to increase semen volume and the intensity of orgasms.

It is made from natural ingredients that have been selected for their potency in rejuvenating the male reproductive system.

This supplement is backed by a clinical study done on 63 men aged between 30 and 60.

Half the group took four Semenax pills per day while the other took placebos.

After two months, the group taking Semenax showed a 20% increase in semen volume compared to the placebo group.

To get similar results, the manufacturer recommends that you take four pills per day.

You do not require a prescription for this supplement and you can purchase it online from the official website.

There is free global shipping for any purchases for three months and above.

This supplement is manufactured by Leading Health Edge Ltd., an experienced supplements company with offices in Cyprus and the USA.

It ships worldwide and comes with a 67-day money-back guarantee.

How it works?

Semenax is designed to increase your semen volume, which in turn gives you longer erections and more intense orgasms.

It does this by using specific ingredients that turbocharge your reproductive system.

The ingredients increase the amount of nitric oxide in the body, which leads to better blood flow in the penis.

This results in harder and longer orgasms.

Semenax also increases libido, which keeps you aroused and ready for action at all times.

The antioxidants in the formula fight oxidative stress in your testicles, ensuring that they are healthy enough for sperm production.


Here are three ingredients in this supplement that make it so effective:

  • L-Argentine HCL – studies have shown that this amino acid can double semen volume even in men with poor sperm motility. It also helps in opening blood vessels allowing for more blood and oxygen to pass through. This contributes to harder and longer erections 3.
  • Butea Superba – This vine grows in various countries in Asia where its roots have been used as medicine for centuries. It has been used to treat erectile dysfunction and is also a powerful aphrodisiac. It is used in this supplement to boost libido and sexual performance.
  • Epimedium Sagittatum – Another name for this ingredient is horny goat weed. It has been used in ancient China to treat sexual performance problems. Other than increasing libido, it boosts testosterone levels.


  • It increases semen volume which leads to better erections and orgasms.
  • Made from natural ingredients proven to work.
  • Offers free worldwide shipping for larger packages.
  • Has no side effects.


  • Relatively new product in the market.
  • Only available online.
  • Results are not immediate and vary with people.

3. Semaxin


Semaxin is a dietary food supplement designed to increase the quality and amount of semen.

It also strengthens erections and increases sexual desire.

Semaxin is formulated from 12 natural ingredients and does not have any side effects.

These ingredients include minerals, plant extracts, vitamins, and amino acids.

It can be used by any man over 18 years and does not have an upward age limit.

For the best results, the manufacturer recommends that you take two capsules per day between meals with 300 ml of water.

You should be able to see results in about a month of taking the supplement.

Semaxin is manufactured by Key Player Ltd., a supplement company based in Dubai, UAE.

If you are not satisfied with your purchase or do not see any results, this product comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee.

It ships worldwide in discreet packaging that does not reveal the contents.

How it works?

Semaxin depends on a combination of 12 ingredients to:

  • Improve the process of spermatogenesis.
  • Increase the volume and quality of sperm.
  • Enhance libido and give harder erections.
  • Increase the production of testosterone.

Oxidative stress in the body can disrupt the functioning of testicles, reducing testosterone levels 4.

Semaxin contains potent anti-oxidants that inhibit this oxidative stress, creating a safe environment for testosterone production.

The ingredients also consist of libido enhancers that increase sexual desire.

The minerals and amino acids also stimulate sperm mobility improving fertility.


Here are three ingredients in this supplement that make it so effective:

  • Astragalus Root Extract – This root has been used for years as a medicine for various ailments. In this supplement, it is used for its ability to stimulate sperm mobility, which increases fertility. It is also an antioxidant that fights inflammation in the testicles.
  • Saffron Flower Extract – Saffron is a powerful antioxidant that also improves moods and wellbeing. It has been used as an aphrodisiac for hundreds of years. It, therefore, enhances libido and improves the quality of erections.
  • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine – This amino acid is useful in replenishing the levels of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that protects body cells from damage caused by free radicals, making them healthier.


  • Formulated from natural ingredients.
  • Has no adverse side effects.
  • Improves sperm production and boosts testosterone levels.


  • Does not have many independent reviews.
  • Manufacturer information is not readily available.
  • Results are not immediate.

4. SperMAX Control

spermax control

SperMax Control is a dietary supplement that promises to improve your sex life, giving you and your partner better satisfaction.

It helps increase your sperm volumes, which results in more intense orgasms.

This supplement also enables you to have longer and harder erections increases your sexual desire, and allows you to have sex for much longer.

Overall, your sex life will improve and your partner will never have excuses to avoid having sex with you.

SperMAX Control contains ingredients that have been carefully selected to improve sperm production.

These ingredients are natural and have been used traditionally for hundreds of years.

Other than herbs, minerals, and vitamins, SperMAX Control does not include any harmful chemical substances or artificial additives.

For the best results, you should take two capsules in the morning and two in the evening with plenty of water.

This supplement is distributed by TWC Holdings LLC, a company based in Delaware, USA.

It ships worldwide and comes in discreet packaging.

How it works?

SperMAX Control relies on 18 different ingredients to deliver the following:

  • Up to 30 minutes longer sex.
  • Increase in sperm volume.
  • Harder and longer erections.
  • More intense orgasms.
  • Enhanced libido.


Here are three ingredients in this supplement that make it so effective:

  • L-arginine – This amino acid helps with synthesizing nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a known vasodilator- meaning that it relaxes and widens blood vessels allowing more blood and oxygen to pass. When this happens in the penile muscles, it results in bigger and harder erections that last longer.
  • Brazilian ginseng – This plant, also known as Suma, originates from South America. It has been used traditionally to combat stress and fatigue. It is also a known aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire and stamina.
  • Maca Root – Maca root, also known as Peruvian ginseng, is used popularly as a libido enhancer. Traditionally it was used to curb erectile dysfunction issues among men. It boosts sperm production by fighting free radicals that might inhibit its production. Maca root is also known as a mood enhancer and it also increases fertility 5.


  • Increases sperm volume and orgasm intensity.
  • Formulated from natural ingredients.
  • Ships worldwide.
  • Has generally positive reviews.


  • Only available online.
  • Some clients have complained of headaches while using SperMAX.
  • Manufacturer information not readily available.

5. Maxatin


Mexatin advertises as the ‘go-to’ solution for porn stars to boost the amount of liquid they ejaculate during an act.

It can be used by ordinary men who are looking to please their partners with similar results.

This supplement does not claim to be a fertility cure, but rather it provides the body with all the nutrients it needs to increase fluid release by 500%.

Other than increasing ejaculatory volumes, Maxatin also enhances sexual pleasure by making your erections harder and longer-lasting.

It boosts confidence as it assures you of a stellar performance every time.

Maxatin gets its potency from a combination of ingredients that have been proven to work in clinical trials.

Majority of these ingredients have been used to treat different health conditions for hundreds of years.

It relies on scientific proof, herbal remedies, and modern medicine to give the best results in the market.

For the best results, the manufacturer recommends that you take two capsules per day.

Maxatin is distributed by Content Management LLC, a company based in Malta.

The makers of Maxatin are so confident of its abilities that they give a money-back guarantee on every tablet.

It ships worldwide in discreet packaging and does not require a prescription.

How it works?

Maxatin uses a proprietary blend of ingredients to increase your ejaculation volumes, increase your sexual pleasure, and give you harder erections.

This blend has been tested by doctors, qualified lab technicians, and studied in clinical trials.

This supplement increases the levels of nitric oxide in the body, relaxing blood vessels, and allowing more blood to pass.

This is what causes stiffer and longer erections.

The Maxatin formula also includes ingredients designed to enhance libido, making sure that you can be ready in the drop of a hat.

Low testosterone levels can cause low libido, weak erections and lack of stamina.

This supplement contains ingredients that target your testosterone levels, increasing them so that you can reap all the benefits.


Here are three ingredients in this supplement that make it so effective:

  • L-Arginine HCl / L-Lysine HCl – These two amino acids are useful in synthesizing nitric oxide in the body. An increase in nitric oxide ensures proper blood flow in the penile muscles, which leads to harder erections.
  • Muira Puama – The bark and root of this plant have been used to treat sexual impotence for hundreds of years. Muira Pauma is also a powerful aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire.
  • Zinc – Zinc is a crucial mineral that the body needs for various functions. It is useful in increasing sperm mortality as well as quantity. Zinc is also known to increase testosterone levels in the body 6.


  • Backed by clinical trials.
  • Uses ingredients that have been proven to work over centuries.
  • Has no side effects.
  • Offers a generous money-back guarantee.
  • Increases libido, sperm volume, and testosterone levels.
  • Manufacturer provides comprehensive information on the product.


  • Uses a proprietary blend thus does not disclose the amount of ingredients used.
  • Only available online.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is a semen enhancement pill?

A semen enhancement pill is a dietary supplement designed to increase the amount of semen or fluid that is ejaculated during sexual activity.

Ejaculating more fluid transforms ordinary sex into a mind-blowing affair with intense orgasms for both the man and the woman.

Other than increasing semen volume these enhancement pills also enhance sexual desire, make erections harder and longer, and even increase testosterone levels.

The majority of semen enhancement pills also increase male fertility and potency.

What are some of the benefits of semen enhancement pills?

Here are some of the benefits you can expect from taking a semen enhancement supplement:

  • A significant increase in ejaculatory fluid leading to more intense orgasms.
  • Enhanced sexual desire.
  • Increased testosterone levels.
  • Stronger erections that last longer.
  • More exhilarating and stronger orgasms for your partner as well.
  • Control over when to ejaculate.
  • Increased self-confidence and esteem.

Who should use semen enhancement pills?

Semen enhancement pills can be used by any man who is looking for a new boost in his sex life.

You can also use them if you want to be more confident about your abilities in bed.

These supplements work well for men who have low libido and generally weak erections.

They can also be used by men who have suffered some sexual dysfunction and are looking to get back into the game.

Which ingredients should I expect to see in semen enhancement pills?

There is a wide variety of ingredients used in different semen enhancement pills.

Here are some usual suspects that you should look out for:

  • Astragalus Root Extract.
  • Saffron Flower Extract.
  • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine.
  • Butea Superba.
  • Brazilian ginseng.
  • Muira Puama.
  • L-Argentine HCL.
  • Maca Root.
  • Zinc.
  • Epimedium Sagittatum.

How can I decide on which semen enhancement pill to use?

There are many semen enhancement pills available in the market today, and deciding on which one to use can be difficult.

Some of the factors you should consider are:

  • Ingredients – settle for an enhancement pill that has a combination of ingredients that have been proven to work. They should also be in good enough quantities.
  • Cost – While this is not the most critical factor, it should be relevant especially if you are going to be taking the pills over an extended period.
  • Manufacturer – You should confirm that a reputable manufacturer makes the pill and that there is contact information where they can be reached for queries.

What are the side effects of semen enhancement pills?

The semen enhancement pills discussed in this review are all made from natural ingredients and do not have any adverse side effects.

First-time users may experience some initial effects such as stomach ache, nausea or bloating.

This should go away quickly and if not, you should consult a doctor.

If you are unsure whether semen enhancement pills are right for you, it is best to consult a doctor before you make a purchase.


The processes of spermatogenesis and testosterone production decline with age.

The result is weak erections, low volumes of semen, low libido, and unsatisfactory sex.

These challenges can lead to low self-esteem and lack of confidence in a man, which compounds the problems further.

The use of semen enhancement pills can solve these problems and give your sex life a brand new lease of life.

This review has looked at the five best semen enhancement pills available in the market today.

We believe that you will be able to find one that suits your needs.

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